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Passive voice.

  1. Complete a small test, translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Although the crime scene ........... thoroughly, nothing substantial ........... . a) is searching / will be found b) has been searched / has been finding c) was searched / was found d) had been searched / were found e) will search / was found

2. I don't think they ..... the meeting seeing as only a few of the members ..... in the last hour. a) could have / were contacted b) had held / could be contacted c) will hold / are contacting d) are holding / will contact e) can hold / have been contacted

3. The company ........ whether the scholarships ......... in time or not. a) is debating / will be paid b) debated / were paying c) has been debating / was paid d) will debate / could have paid e) was debating / have been paying

4. By the time the course schedule ........, we ......... basic subjects of French. a) completes / would have learnt b) will be completed / will have learnt c) was completing / had learnt d) could be completed / will be learning e) is completed / will have learnt

5. No books ....... out from this library unless you ...... the borrowers' card. a) must be taken / are having b) might take / have had c) can be taken / have d) are taking / will have e) should be taken / don't have

  1. Complete the story using verbs in Passive voice

Britain's most polite armed robber

Police in Stockport in the UK are looking for a man who 1___________(believe / be) Britain's most polite armed robber.

The robber, who always says 'please' and 'thank you' when he orders shop staff to give him the money in the till, 2___________(say / be) a tall man in his early forties. He wears a mask and washing-up gloves during robberies. It 3___________(think / he / rob) at least four shops in Stockport in recent weeks.

A police officer said, 'He 4___________(report / be) polite to his victims, but there is nothing polite about armed robbery. Last week this man used a knife to threaten shop staff. They were terrified. Saying "please" and "thank you" cannot change that.'

  1. Translate into English:

1. Вся домашняя работа сделана: ошибки исправлены, новые слова выучены, предложения переведены, сочинение написано.

2. Тихо! Не шумите! Она сейчас проходит интервью.

3. Радио «Европа-плюс» слушают во всей России.

4. Это вкусное блюдо было приготовлено итальянским поваром.

5. Многие современные лекарства делают из растений.

6. Музыка к опере «Женитьба Фигаро» была написана Моцартом.

7. Результаты экзаменов будут объявлены завтра утром.

8. Не прикасайся к забору. Его только что покрасили.

9. Все деревья и цветы в этом саду посажены мною.

10. Книжные полки в его комнате покрыты пылью.

11. Ошибка была сделана очень давно, а исправлена только сейчас.

12. Этого ребенка никогда не учили, как себя вести со взрослыми.

13. Торт все еще печется, тебе придется подождать.

14. Преступник не был найден. Все еще велось расследование.

15. Я не знаю, кем была основана эта компания.

16. Новый роман Шелдона отлично читается. Мне рекомендовал его мой дядя.

17. Соне предложили купить красивую и удобную пижаму. Она хорошо стирается и не мнется.

18. Если ему скажут, что она его бросила, его сердце будет разбито.

19. Вся мебель в доме моих родителей сделана из натурального дерева.

20. В английском языке одно и то же слово часто пишется и произносится по-разному.

  1. Answer the questions, give the right answer:

1. Was "Mona Liza" painted by Picasso?

2. Was Micky Mouse created by t h e Warners?

3. Was t h e song Imagine written by Elvis Presley?

4. Was the film “Titanic" directed by Alfred Hitchcock?

5. Was "Romeo and Juliet" written by Agatha Christie?

6. Was the Parthenon built by the ancient Romans?

7. Was the telephone invented by Siemens?

8. Was America discovered by Marco Polo?

9. Was "The Moonlight Sonata" composed by Tchaikovsky?

10. Were the Pyramids built in China?

11. Was "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" written by Shakespeare?

  1. Make negative and interrogative sentences:

1. Marmalade is made from oranges.

2. This town was built a century ago.

3. They were invited to a birthday party.

4. The fax has just been sent.

5. America was discovered long ago.

6. The book is still being published.

7. My neighbour's car was stolen last night.

8. His winter boots were made in Germany.

9. The building was ruined by the earthquake.

10. Italian is spoken in Italy and on Malta.

11. I am sure some way out will be found.

12. When he came home, dinner was being cooked.

  1. Complete the sentences:

1. You (advise) to wear sensible shoes in winter.

2. The time before bed (spend) very pleasantly.

3. Sniffer dogs (use) by police to detect drugs and explosives.

4. Huge pine trees (uproot) by the storm.

5. You (allow, not) to buy c i g a r e t t e s if you are under sixteen.

6. Toyotas (manufacture) in Japan.

7. Gold (discover) in Eastern Canada.

9. When I saw him, he (chase) by a large dog.

10. Several towns (destroy) by the eruption of Vesuvius.

11. This coffee just (make), help yourself!

12. You ever (cheat)? You ever (make a fool of)?

13. The mirror (break) while it (move) into the hall.

14. How the word "magazine" (pronounce)?

15. The table (lay) now. You (serve) in a few minutes.

16. For months, the baby kangaroo (protect), (feed) and (teach) to survive by its mother.

17. I feel that I (watch) now by somebody.

18. These shirts (iron, not) yet.

19. Oranges and tangerines are very useful, besides, they (peel) perfectly.

21. I just (tell) that my house (knock down) next month.

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